Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Day in the Life

So, as you may have guessed, my life in Granada is fun-packed and action-filled.
In the mornings, I hang out at the AHP. I stay there until it closes at 2:30 (they kick me out at about 2:20), and then, sometimes, I go to the supermarket.

I go home for lunch; sometimes I make lunch, sometimes Oscar does, and once in a while Molly makes breakfast burritoes.

Then I go to the Escuela de Estudios Arabes a little before five in the afternoon, and stay there until seven or eight. I'm reading a couple of fairly recent books, one is L.P. Harvey's _Muslims in Spain_, his follow-up to the book that ended at 1500. It's recent. It's good, and it has a chapter on the Hornacheros, who were a major community in Rabat. I'm also working on reading Bernard Vincent's _El río morisco_.

What I'm working on in the mornings is the most fun, though. I've gotten really good (if I say so myself, and I am saying so) at reading sixteenth-century squiggeldynuts. I'm looking at the transfer of properties from Moriscos to Christians, and what's really exciting is that some documents tells you who the neighbors were, and give some of the history of the neighboring properties.

In the evenings, I tend to go to Paprika, where I am right now, and where I check email. Sometimes I walk around. Lately, I haven't been taking the surly out since it's so cold in the mornings, and now that I've given in and bought an ipod shuffle, I listen to NPR on the way to the archive.

Next week: getting a student card, so that I can stay in Spain legally.


Blogger rmkall1 said...

I really liked my neighborhood Mercadona when I spent an undergrad summer studying abroad in Valencia! Sadly, one can't find membrillo, queso fresco, or 5,232 varieties of yogur in the otherwise fine supermarkets of New Hampshire (Hannafords, Market Basket, Shaw's, etc)

11:00 PM  

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