Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What if it falls here?

That's the literal translation of the Christmas lottery campaign here in Spain.

It's August! And that slogan's already covering the bus billboards (busboards) here in Granada.

And I thought that the US was Christmas-crazed. Here, however, they're already selling Christmas lottery tickets. A guy on the street (one of the ONCE people) was selling them today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is nuts! And I thought pre-Christmas frenzy was bad in Mexico, where the Santas start popping out, and people start saying Feliz navidad in the middle of October. There's some kind of Sancho Panza/Pancho Villa/freedom fight-y holiday in October, where little kids dress up like banditos, and apparently the day after that is the start of the Christmas season. I guess we're lucky we have Thanksgiving.

12:45 AM  
Blogger AV said...

I know! I think preXmadness in the States is bad enough. But it's still months and months away.

Also, I think that il-krismaas in Morocco is funny, because there are skinny Santa Clauses around, and kids have their photos taken with them, and they say it's a new year's thing.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Alejandro Pérez Ordóñez said...

Pues sí, la Lotería de Navidad, cuyo sorteo tendrá lugar el 22 de diciembre, comienza a venderse (desde hace ya años) con seis meses de antelación, por raro que parezca, así que en pleno verano ya puedes empezar a comprar tus billetes. No es tan raro si tenemos en cuenta que es el sorteo que más expectación e ilusión genera en este país, y que mueve cantidades astronómicas de dinero, no sólo en grandes premios, sino sobre todo en lo que la gente gasta, generando enormes ingresos a las arcas del Estado (pues ya se sabe que la Lotería Nacional es pública y gestionada por un organismo del Gobierno de España, llamado "Organismo Nacional de Loterías y Apuestas del Estado (ONLAE)"). En fin, rarezas españolas ;)

8:02 PM  

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